A couple of images to help you with Camaro/CTSV fuel line routing.

Fuel enters the system from the front passengers side of the engine.

It then travels through a tee at the front of the passengers side rail
and also crosses over to the drivers side fuel rail.
and also crosses over to the drivers side fuel rail.

This view shows the rear of the rail where the flex fuel sensor is mounted on the back of the passengers side of the car, then travels through a tee (connecting the drivers side rail before making it's way to the high side DI pump.

This picture and the next better shows the fittings
needed in the rear of the engine.
needed in the rear of the engine.

We don't recommend using the plastic locking quick connection fittings on a running engine, we use them for quick layout work.
The component list below will outline the components needed but links will show the screw on fittings - which is the better choice for your fuel system.
Here's what we used:
Fitting to connect to the stock fuel line
4ea fitting to connect to the fuel supply at firewall, flex fuel sensor,
and the high-pressure DI fuel pump
2ea additional 90-degree PTFE hose ends
90 degree coupling for the back side of passenger fuel rail.
You want the fuel to travel through the rails first, then the flex fuel sensor, then feed the high-pressure DI fuel pump.